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日本語 (Original)

1. UFN. 3 chars. NO MORE!

Since Japanese people are not familiar with network and haven't understood what the network is yet, We must tell clearly in this guidelines. UFN, Ultra Free Network, is a Network. Server is just a 1 component of network. so UFN is UFN. Don't put unnecessary words after it.

UFN Server

UFN Network


2. Don't paste IP!

Server IP:

Server: http://pipiraworld.web.fc2.com/server2/

UFN: https://plus.google.com/communities/106641202545064192303

IP address might change suddenly. When it changes, you'll need to change all IPs pasted to new one. Time-killer, isn't it? Well, We STRONGLY recommend to paste URL of our Webpage or Google+ Community.

Same as Rules, If you have any questions or problems, ask at Questions section in our Google+ Community (requires Google account). Thank you for your cooperation.

Last updated at: 2017/04/18 16:00 - Tweaks

inserted by FC2 system